Daisy Ree, Senior Sports Massage Therapist

Senior Sports Massage Therapist - Profile

Daisy Ree

DaisyRee studied Physiotherapy and used to work in a hospital for 2 years following which she worked in a professional football club in Singapore for almost 10 years.  This sparked her interest in the sport and propelled her to learn different techniques on preventing and managing sports injuries. DaisyRee has also undergone Personal Training certification as well as Massage training courses to equip herself with the skills and knowledge required to excel in her career.

Career Highlights

  • Sports trainer. Singapore team for  Sultan of Selangor Cup, Malaysia 2016
  • Sports trainer. Singapore team for SOHNA Cup, VFF International Football tournament, Vietnam 2010
  • Sports massage therapist. FIFA Assistant Referee Standard Fitness test, Singapore 2008